Joshua A. Strauss

Joshua A. Strauss

PhD Student

University of Maryland, College Park

Josh Strauss is currently a PhD candidate in the SDOS program in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland. His primary research interests broadly surround team processes and performance with the goal of increasing positive outcomes for both team members and their output. Other topics for which he is deeply passionate are neurodiversity, creativity, and the future of work (contracting and the gig economy). He is currently focusing on the role of team cognition in team goal pursuit using gamification and computational modeling. Other notable projects include two qualitative studies of leadership identity formation, experiences related to transitioning to telework, as well as an experiment assessing the effects of organizational culture on team adaptation, coordination, and exploration.

  • MS in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, 2021

    University of Maryland, College Park MD

  • BA in Psychology, Communication, Organizational Sociology (High Honors, Minor in Lingusitics), 2017

    University of California--Davis, Davis CA
